My Sessions

Preparing for a session.

Sessions available in person, on-line or by telephone.


The coaching psychologist is there to encourage and guide quality, generative thinking. Sessions are based around a conversation but may also involve paper or interactional exercises. Sometimes, there may be simple tasks or specific thinking to be done between sessions. The process might feel challenging at times, but never judgemental.

Some people or groups may only need one session to address a specific issue or decision or soundboard ideas or options. Others may require more than one session or a series of sessions or follow up meetings. This can be discussed at the end of each session and a plan can be created of how to work together to move forward. Each session is dependent on personal needs and after spending time talking and exploring and being guided by a professional, listening ear and questioning, themes and issues that emerge can be explored more deeply in subsequent sessions. The time between sessions range from weekly, fortnightly, monthly or for a specific follow-up time.

Sessions are available in person, on-line or by telephone.

Getting Started

Step 1
Let me know of your interest, using the enquiry and personal information link. I will get back to you within 48 hours.

Step 2
We can arrange a day and time for an initial, 20-minute, free telephone meeting. This is a chance for you to ask any specific questions that you have about coaching psychology, know a little more about how I work and what type of strategy we could use in your session(s) and make an agreement as to how we’ll work together.

To help you prepare for this please consider the following questions:

  • What are the main areas you would like help with and why this is so important for you. What is the impact on your life?
    Where to start; often there seems to be a number of things you need help with. Part of coaching is helping people break down issues so don’t worry if you don’t know where to start but it might be useful to have a think about what would be most helpful for you to begin.

  • What do you hope to get out of the session – What are your goals?
    Having an end goal can be useful as can having smaller goals, so you have a sense of direction and structure to what you are working on.

  • Do you have any concerns or worries about meeting with me?
    It would be unusual to not have any concerns and we can discuss this in our telephone meeting. The call also allows us to ensure we can work together.