There are very few down sides to coaching. We’re not doing therapy, so the focus is not on what’s wrong. The focus is instead on what’s right, and how you can keep that in your life and make it better. There is always risk in everything, though. One risk is that you might feel awkward or uncomfortable as we begin to work on where you want to improve. However, it’s hard to move forward if you don’t know where your starting point is
Coaching may bring up some things that you might want to avoid, or things that might be better served by therapy. Avoidance is one thing that comes up a lot in coaching; it’s easy to want to avoid change. That is something we can work on in the process of analysing blocks and obstacles.
Severe emotional distress, relationship problems, possible mental illness are things that need to be explored with a therapist. If these issues come up in coaching, I will advise and guide you on seeking this support.